EZPZ Roofing

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How to Install Rolled Roofing (4 Easy Steps)

Installing rolled roofing is very simple as you will see below. With just four easy steps, you can renew your roof in one day with help from one of your friends.

That being said, it may seem very simple to do, however, I recommend that you at least consider using a roofing professional, as any mistakes made could potentially compromise your roof. Take one minute out of your time and get your free quote from Networx below. (Blue box)

  1. Get a completely free quote of this roofing material, without any obligations.
  2. Step 1: Prepare your roofing material and acquire necessary tools.
  3. Step 2: Unroll and install roofing underlayment. (Optional)
  4. Step 3: Measurements and chalk line
  5. Step 4: Install rolled roofing.

If you have been looking at redoing your roofing material at home, chances are you have come across rolled roofing. The cost may have been very appealing to you as one of the cheapest options available.

We recommend that if you have not read my previous article on it, you should give it a look over as there is not just the price to consider when picking and choosing a roofing material. This roofing material leaves much to be desired when it comes to aesthetic appeal. It is for this reason that it is often used on roofs that are not very visible.

Its lifespan is also something to take into account, as it lasts between 15 and 20 years. It is also prone to heavy wear and tear. It is imperative that this roofing material is installed correctly. If not, it is prone to tearing from the expansion and contraction of the roofing members, and leaking if the strips are not joined properly, or properly fixed to the roof decking.

Step 1: Prepare roofing material and acquire tools.

To prepare the roll you will need to make sure it is warm enough for it to be malleable, it is recommended that you do not try and unroll the material if the temperature is under 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If it is too cold, the material is at risk of cracking or breaking. Ensure that the roll is warm enough to be pliable before continuing.

This is also a great time to gather the tools you will need. Ensure you have the below tools on hand before starting this project. I have provided a list below for the tools that you will need.

  • Rolled roofing
  • Roofing cement
  • Pen or pencil
  • Utility knife
  • Tape Measure
  • Chalk line
  • Roofing nails
  • Ladder
  • Underlay (Optional)

Special Offer: Get a Free Roofing Quote (United States Only)

Networx has kindly offered to provide all my blog readers a free quote on all your roofing needs. I highly recommend you take advantage of this generous offer by clicking here to get a quotation to supply and install rolled or shingle roofing. You will not be charged for this quote.

Step 2: Unroll and install roofing underlayment. (Optional)

Unroll and line up the roofing underlayment horizontally across your roof, start in a strip at the bottom of your roof first and work your way up, and trim the excess that extends past the length of your roof. Secure the roofing underlayment with set nails and ensure that the roofing underlayment is completely flat and is not warped or wrinkled at any stages.

While I have marked this step as optional, I would highly recommend that you do install roofing underlayment for the great benefits it gives to you.

It is relativity cheap, it gives you the extra peace of mind of having more waterproofing and the added insulation cannot hurt.

Step 3: Measurements and chalk line

Measure 36 inches from the bottom of your roof deck up the sides of your eaves. Do this on both sides and mark the measurement. Now join these two marks and snap your chalk line to create a straight line. You will use this line to place your rolled roofing.

Step 4: Install rolled roofing.

Roll out the material, ensuring you follow the chalk line carefully. This will make it easier for you to apply the next layer and overlap enough to ensure a watertight seal. Apply 2 inches of roofing cement under either side of the rolled roofing to seal it down to the decking or underlayment. Then use your roofing nails to secure the roofing material to the roof. Ensure that the material is completely flat and not warped at all.

Your next layer you should overlap the previous by an inch. Measure 35 inches from the top of the previous layer and make a mark on each side, just like in step 3 and snap the chalk line. Continue to apply the rolled material until you have covered your entire roof deck. Once you have finished, if there is any excess or overlap, cut this off.

As you can see from this very short guide, rolled roofing is straightforward and easy to install alone. It could take you with one other person to help an afternoon to get the job done, depending on your roof size. Despite this, I would still recommend you get in touch with a roofing professional in your area and consult them regarding using rolled roofing in your area as it is prone to damage in extreme heats.


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